Tuesday 12 March 2013

What's happening in Year 1?

We have been very busy this term in Year 1 exploring and investigating lots of new ideas! A few weeks ago we were sent back in time to a 1950's school day where we were made to sit at tables all day in a special spot, not talk and do worksheet after worksheet. When the teachers asked us how we felt about this day we said we were glad it was over! On this day the teachers didn't help us and didn't let us talk to them. We didn't like this because we know our teachers always help us when we have a problem. We also said we were very lucky at Mother Teresa Primary School to be able to work in lots of different ways. Here are some photo's of the day we called "Our Boring Day!"

This season of Lent we have been looking at ways we can grow and change to become more like Jesus. We know during Lent we can take steps to be closer to Jesus. Our growing tree reminds us of what steps we can take each day on our journey.
Another way we are trying to be more like Jesus is by being compassionate. Year 1 had a goal to support Project Compassion by bringing in $5 to help buy a chicken for Caritas Centre of Help project. We were so excited about this that we brought in more than $5...we had $42 on one day, $55 on another day and $124 on another day...so we needed to find out how much we raised in total
One group decided to work out the total by using unifix cubes
 and we discovered that we have raised $221 so far...that's a lot of chickens! We thought maybe we could try and change our goal so that we can help buy toilets for these children.

We are learning to count more efficiently and effectively in Year 1. To help our counting we have been playing games like Roll and Collect, Magic Beans and using the bead string to help us. We have learnt that sorting our collection into groups of 2's or 5's helps our counting.

A big thank you to our reading mums as well who are helping us practice our reading