Tuesday 28 May 2013

Another App Update!

This is an App we have been exploring with children who are still developing their handwriting and letter formation. It uses the NSW Foundation Handwriting Font, which meets the Board of Studies outcome for Handwriting Skills. If you have a stylus it is recommended you get your child to practise their letter formation using this tool, as it acts like a pencil and works best to develop your child's fine motor skills and pencil grip.

For further information about the App, feel free to look at the link below


Happy App-ing!

What can we find out about shapes?

We have been exploring shapes in Year 1. We had a challenge to make 3D shapes using paddle-pop sticks, match sticks, play-dough and Magnetics. Here are some of the shapes we made...

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Stage One Excursion to the Powerhouse Museum!

Last Thursday, we went on a trip to the city to explore the Powerhouse Museum.
We had a fantastic day and saw many interesting and creative things. There was so much to see! We saw everything from fashion, to transport, space, furniture, steam, and even robots!
Some of the items we saw were almost 100 years old!

Here is a snapshot of our day at the museum...

Our ideal Learning Studios...

At the end of term 1, year one chose a section of their idea learning studio to design and make. 
Before we could begin to make our models, we had to complete a bird's eye view or perspective drawing of the area of the learning studio that we chose.

Take a look at some of the final products!