Sunday 18 August 2013

"Learning at home" idea for this week...

 Words I Know

Put a timer on 10 minutes and write all the words you know...see if you can beat your score each day! Or maybe you can have a competition against mum or dad!

If you don't have a timer you can use this link and set a timer. 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Play Dough Recipe

Click on the link below to make your own play dough...its fun and easy and no cooking is needed!

I wonder what colour you'll make?

My Weekly Timetable

JLS have been excited to create a grade calender to help us keep track of all the important events that happen at school for us. 

We thought it would be a good idea to have a go at making your own weekly calendar at home to help you see what important things you need to do like swimming lessons, reading your home reader, checking the blog, going to football practise, dancing, setting the table for dinner, cleaning my room, polishing my school shoes, bedtime etc.

Thursday 1 August 2013

A Poem in my Pocket

This week is National Literacy and Numeracy Week and the theme for this year is A Poem in my Pocket. Year 1 read the story Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood and illustrated by Don Wood.

They were inspired to write a poem using similes and opposites just as the boy did in the story. They planned their writing, wrote a draft which was edited and then published their amazing poems. Year 1 kept their poems in their pockets and shared them with other children and teachers at school.They are very excited to bring their poems home and share them with you!