Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Small One

Year 1 watched a movie called The Small One. It was about a little donkey who was weak and his owners wanted to sell him. But there was one person who didn't want to say goodbye to his donkey because he loved him, it was the little boy. The little boy's dad made him take the donkey to the town to sell but no one wanted him, they were rough with him. Someone appeared in front of the little boy and The Small One and said "Tell me, is this donkey gentle? I need him to carry my wife to Bethlehem. Is he for sale?". The little boy said yes and also that his donkey was kind and strong. The man took the donkey and gave the little boy a silver coin.

Year 1 was very clever because they could recognise that the man was Joseph and his wife was Mary and The Small One had the important job of carrying Mary and unborn baby Jesus to Bethlehem. We learnt that ordinary people can be extraordinary people when God has a plan for them.

If you would like to watch this special religious movie that shows the Spirit of Christmas click on the link below

The Small One movie